Scale beyond services.

Create a solid portfolio of anchor clients as a foundation for growth, freeing up your time to build your IP, create more leverage in your business, and finally work on your secret side project.


You’ve been told you’re just one funnel or ad campaign away from a full pipeline of ready to buy clients, but you already have a business that is paying the bills.

What you actually need is what we call anchor clients.

Clients that already know they need you and have projects for you to work on over the next 6, 9 and even 12 months or more.

This gives you the time, space and cash flow to free you up for your next big idea (or big vacation). Instead of burning your business down out of boredom or fatigue, we help you design the ultimate diverse client portfolio of steady work that doesn’t take up all your time, energy and great ideas.

Finding Anchor Clients has nothing to do with perfecting a funnel or even really great ad copy and everything to do with creating the kind of business that is designed to be fulfilling AND financially successful.

And here is where we come in. We have created a strategic system to not only help you design a business that anchor clients thrive in, but allows you to do. what. you. want.

I know, because I did it. For nearly a decade, I played with projects from books and magazines to membership sites and volunteer work - all supported by the work I did with a diversified portfolio of clients who worked with me over the long-term, stabilizing my business.

And my clients have been able to recreate the same results.

Like "R", who was able to secure enough revenue from her anchor clients to allow her to build a leveraged support program.

Or "C", who doubled her revenue YoY - allowing her to work on her dream membership site.

How about "N", who landed multiple anchor clients until one invited her to partner in their new venture.

Or "A", who turned her initial strategy offer into a six-figure, 3-month project with a non-profit and is now packaging it up to be able to run the core of her business with only two clients per year.


Your Experience

We combine our signature training with live done-WITH-you sessions where you get us IN your business. So you’re not left with trying to figure out the entire system by yourself and implementing it with us in the room means you get live support as you build it.

In two four-hour sessions each week, you'll get hands on support to pitch your anchor clients, refine your proposals, and work on your leveraged offer in a community of other business owners doing the same.


Our community is the absolute most supportive place online.

Ever join a program, and then when you don’t finish your homework, you’re scared to show up and you ghost? Yeah, us too.

Except you don’t have to do that here. Every week, people show up with unfinished homework and a smile, because they know it’s a safe place to be.

Your fellow members are 100% here to support with wisdom, tools, and advice, both on the calls and in our private community.

We built the world’s first anchor-clients specific business training.

This isn’t just sales, or just marketing, or just offers… This is an end-to-end training program that teaches our entire system, from choosing a niche and sending your first email through closing $80k/year+ clients.

You have multiple roadmaps to choose the path that works best for you, and everything is teaching you the HOW, not the WHAT. You’re learning skills, not copy / pasting templates that worked in 2018.